Dodos Riding Dinos - Dodo Dash

Created by Detestable Games & DracoStudios

Award-winning dexterity racing game inspired by kart racing videogames. War for Chicken Island and Kiwi Chow Down are back!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Painting Party Winners and Essen Convention!
3 months ago – Thu, Oct 03, 2024 at 12:46:24 AM

Hello Dodino Island! 

We hope you are enjoying playing Dodos Riding Dinos! 

Today we bring news about the winners from the miniatures painting party and our presence at Essen Spiel!

First of all, if you are at Essen Spiel make sure to visit us at Hall 3, Booth 3U112 (Detestable Games sharing booth with PIF Games) in the stand you can:

  • Buy a promo racer: Quetza & Ladder (while supplies last)
  • Play a demo of our upcoming games Party Panda Pirates or Monster Nursery.
  • Meet the team! Pepe, Alina and I (Will) will be mostly at meetings but we will be swinging by the booth too. 

Not at Essen? No worries, the webstore for Mexico and EU is now working and you can get some promos you missed during this campaign or other great games from us

Quetza & Ladder will become available in the store after Essen, once we make logistics arrengements. 
Click on the following image or here to select your region and get your games!

Click on the image to go to the store!

Painting Party

We were thrilled to receive your painted minis, giving your own essence to the racers, we are humbled by your passion towards the game! 

The six winners are:  

  • Constantine Kelfecil Chr
  • Joanna Trześniewska
  • Carina V (theaveragepainternl)
  • wyrmberggames
  • Casewolf (grobinours)
  • buechelbookboss

Congratulations to you all! You will receive your survey for Dodos Riding Dinos: First Race in your emails within the next few weeks. 

In case you missed the campaign you can now preorder in Backerkit here!

Click to get your baby dodos!

Thanks again for joining our race and we can't wait to see in the next adventure! 

New promos & pins (Webstore & Gen Con) + Discount Coupon for online store!
5 months ago – Fri, Aug 02, 2024 at 08:30:26 AM

(This same update is also posted on the original Dodos Riding Dinos campaign with first-hand news about availability of the remaining stock of promos in the US, we apologize in advance with backers who will be getting double email).

Hello Dodino Island!

It's been a while since the last update but we are delighted to share exciting news with you, the very first to believe in Dodos Riding Dinos!

We hope you have enjoyed playing the game, and if you are looking for some options to refresh your gameplay experience, we've got you covered and will find where to find them in this update. In a nutshell:

  • Visit us at Gen Con booth #905 to get a free Dodo hat, or buy promos, pins and plushies! 
  • Our webstore is live (US-only for now, other regions coming soon) 

Visit us this weekend at Gen Con (booth #905)

Come get a free Dodo hat!

We also brought some of our limited plushies of Osborn & Reynaldo and a Dodo baby. Plus an enamel pin with Anning & Elena (Plesiosaur from Dodo Dash). 

Quetza & Ladder arrive to Gen Con!

(...and if you are not at Gen Con read below about our webstore)

This Racer is inspired on the mascot from the Quetzaladder award that Dodos Riding Dinos  won in Mexico back in 2019. It has a unique ability and we brought enough copies to satisfy demand to Gen Con. 

But if you can't come to Gen Con or ask a friend who has come, don't worry! We have finally revamped our webstore (still working on upgrades but it is functional now!)

Visit our webstore here

Get 20% off with this coupon code: NEWSTORE20 

To celebrate this years-long milestone, we created a coupon code for you, which expires on September 1st.

You can find the Quetza & Ladder as well as the last spare copies we have from other promos, which we promised to share with our backers first in case you didn't add them to your Backerkit survey.

Shipping is free on orders above $100 in case you want to add a couple of games too...

Right now our webstore portal is only for USA. We are working to have Europe and Mexico portals available by October (on time for Essen); Australia and other regions of the world will be ready after that. Thanks for your patience! 

Dodos Riding Dinos: First Race

Just a friendly reminder about the new Dodos Riding Dinos: First Race being live on Kickstarter. Last days!

Even if you are not interested in the new edition, you can get some upgrades for your copy of Dodos Riding Dinos! Including a FREE star projectile pack for returning backers.

Check out the Kickstarter here

Finally, we are delighted to share that Dodos Riding Dinos was one of the 10 elected submissions for ideatoon24 by Pixelatl !!!

Pixelatl is a Mexican association dedicated to promoting the creation and dissemination of graphic and audiovisual narratives, to expand the Latin American offer and extend its audiences globally. Among the multiple initiatives they manage is Ideatoon, for the development of animated intellectual properties. 

We are grateful and honored for this news with the prospect of an animated series and excited for what the future may bring!

You can see the Facebook post here in case you want to comment and spread the love for Dodos Riding Dinos!


Thanks again for all your support! Our success and growth started with your support and encouragement and we haven't forgotten that, so feel free to comment and let us know about anything we can do for you.

We hope to see you at Gen Con! And if not, make sure to check out our webstore for the promos you may have missed, we will be updating it constantly. 

100% Fulfilled! Painting Party and NEW campaign with baby miniatures!
6 months ago – Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 08:27:55 AM

We made it! 

Orders in all regions have shipped!

23,724 physical rewards sent to 4,864 backers in 3,203 cities from 68 countries!!


We hope you are enjoying playing with your games!

(If you have, please rate them in BoardGameGeek and let us know your thoughts!)

Problems with your parcel? Send us an email to [email protected] with the subject "DRD backer support" so we can track your package and assist you. It is possible that a minimal percentage of packages found issues along the way but we are here for you!

Let's throw a party... A MINIATURE PAINTING PARTY!

Everyone has a chance to win prizes, regardless of skill level.

Post your painted miniatures on Facebook, X, Instagram, TikTok with the 2 hashtags #PaintingParty2024 #DodosRidingDinos for a chance to win!

We will randomly pick 1 winner from EACH platform and from all BoardGameGeek users who rate Dodos Riding Dinos and Dodo Dash

The more platforms where you participate, the more chances to win!

Deadline to participate is August 31st so hurry up! 
Winners will be announced within September.

What's the prize? A copy of the new Dodos Riding Dinos: First Race and all new accessories and promos!

Wait, what? That's right! Dodos Riding Dinos keeps growing!! 

Dodos Riding Dinos: First Race is coming to Kickstarter next Tuesday, July 23rd!  

Featuring a new star projectile and baby characters 

Not interested in the new spin-off?

We've got you covered! You can get just the new miniatures and star projectile pack to play in the original Dodos Riding Dinos or Dodo Dash. 

You actually get the star projectile pack for FREE as a returning backer!  

Star projectile pack includes wooden star token and several cards.
Includes ONLY plastic miniatures and their character cards.

Other exciting goodies!

We want YOU to join us to create new art featuring ANY creature or critter for these deck with alternate art

During the campaign, we will be hosting several art livestreams with the illustrator so you can join us in real-time!

You tell us what to draw!

We hope to see you in the campaign next week!

You can always choose to pledge $1 to participate and upgrade later.

>>> Click here to see the campaign page with early access!

Psst... make sure to see the main video which is a short cartoon with the baby characters!

And if you attend to Gen Con, make sure to come and say hi to booth #905

We will love to see you! There are also rumors of a new enamel Dodino Pin for the Pin Trading Bazaar ;)

Local pickup starting (except CDMX)
10 months ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 11:22:30 AM

Hello Dodino Island!

This is a quick email with final instructions for: 

  • Local Pickup in Mexico (in Spanish, first section of this update) 
  • Quick note for the few backers in the US, CA and EU still waiting for the rewards (second section of this update, please scroll down). 
  • For the rest of the regions, the status is pretty much the same as last week's update so please refer to the previous update 

Please note that if you completed your survey or placed a preorder in February or March, your order is likely to be in a second wave of fulfillment (starting soon).  

Local Pickup en México

Tenemos noticias importantes: Para CDMX y BCS la fecha ha cambiado, para otros estados la fecha de entrega se mantiene para sábado 30 e incluso hoy mismo. Favor de leer el detalle abajo. 

Recuerda que en este momento no hay cambios de la tienda donde seleccionaste recoger ya que el producto se ha contabilizado de manera exacta y enviado a cada tienda.

En las siguientes tiendas puedes pasar a partir de mañana (sábado 30 de marzo) a recoger tus recompensas. 
Recuerda presentarte con copia de cualquier identificación oficial y dentro del horario especificado:

  • Juega + Juguetería (GDL) Entre 11am a 2pm o entre 4pm a 8pm
  • Troya Juegos (QRO) Entre 1pm y 8pm
  • Draco HQ Puebla (Coffee & Dragons) Entre 12:30pm y 5pm en Coffee & Dragons 

En las siguientes tiendas puedes presentarte a partir de hoy y en el transcurso de la semana.
Recuerda presentarte con copia de cualquier identificación oficial y dentro del horario de operación de la tienda.

  • Ami Comi (MTY)
  • Caravana Gamelab (GDL)

CDMX - Nueva fecha: Viernes 5 de abril 

Para quienes ya planeaban asistir, lamentamos muchísimo informar que nos vemos forzados a empujar la fecha de entrega una semana más para las tiendas en CDMX. Recibimos muchísimas solicitudes de personas que estarían fuera de la ciudad por semana santa pero más importante aún, a pesar de que enviamos el producto hace unos días, no tenemos confirmación de llegada por parte de la empresa de envíos Travisa (ni por código de rastreo, ni llamada, ni correo). Sospechamos que es por semana santa, incluso cuando habíamos solicitado entrega para día siguiente y no nos notificaron de algún cambio.

Si no puedes asistir, podrás pasar en días posteriores en el horario de operación de la tienda pero es muy importante que no lo postergues más de una semana porque debemos retirar de la tienda producto sin recoger. Recomendamos ampliamente que pases el primer día (5 de abril).

Esto impacta a las siguientes tiendas:

  • El Duende (CDMX) + Draco HQ CDMX
  • Raven Folks (CDMX)
  • Orc Stories (CDMX)
  • Nalua Juegos (CDMX)

Habíamos decidimos agilizar lo más posible ya que la urgencia compartida en general por la comunidad mexicana por recibir sus juegos ha sido muy notoria, en gran medida por la falta de experiencia patrocinando proyectos en Kickstarter (no es una preventa ni una transacción de compra usual ya que el producto sigue en desarrollo cuando se lanza la campaña). Hemos tomado aprendizaje de este local pickup (el más grande de todos nuestros proyectos) para aplicar cambios significativos en otros proyectos futuros.

Y como entendemos su frustración y sabemos que vendrán más memes en grupos de Facebook respecto a este tema, no podemos más que unirnos a su frustración y arrojar un meme para nosotros mismos — con la certeza de que cada vez estamos más próximos a terminar con TODAS las entregas, ahora solo faltará CDMX y tendrá todo nuestro enfoque.

Te garantizamos que no descansaremos ni daremos el proyecto por terminado hasta haber entregado a todos nuestros backers o dado resolución en caso de cambios particulares.

Puedes unirte aquí al nuevo grupo de Whatsapp para actualizaciones de local pickup en CDMX

En este grupo podremos compartir notificaciones de manera más frecuente para local pickup CDMX. Es un grupo antispam por lo que sólo administradores podrán enviar mensajes. Para soporte, favor de comunicarte a [email protected] con el asunto "DRD soporte a backer".

Preventas externas a Kickstarter

Esta actualización es pública. Si no eres backer de este Kickstarter con selección de local pickup, sino que participaste con una preventa de manera directa con una tienda (y externa al Kickstarter) como Amukiri, deberás coordinarte directamente con la tienda para la recolección de tu preventa.

Amukiri (BCS)

El envío se encuentra retrasado y llegará en Abril 3. No tenemos patrocinadores directos en el proyecto que recojan en Amukiri pero dado que fue una tienda listada, publicamos esta información para quienes hayan participado directamente en la preventa de Amukiri (de manera externa al Kickstarter). 

Backers in the US, CA and EU still waiting for their rewards

These regions have been fulfilled for the most part, the only exception are a few backers whose order includes items that are not available in their area and currently in the process of inventory shift. We will reach out to you to determine your preference:

  • A) Wait a bit more time so inventory shift finishes and all the items in your order arrive at the same time.
  • B) Sending the items that are available and either refunding you or crediting in another project the cost of the items that can't be currently fulfilled. 

This shortage of items is for some languages of Babbey & Kux promo and a few promos from War for Chicken Island. This happened because of two reasons:

1. There were some mistakes during fulfillment by our logistics partners sending incorrect languages (even though our backer lists were correct, and the items have different barcodes and SKUs). While we tried to retrieve most of them, not everything was able to be retrieved, leading to shortage of some items.

2. When fulfillment started, one of the fulfillment partners noticed that their stock levels were not accurate (as shown on their dashboard to which we have access and refer to when planning shipping). 

Being promos, we don't overproduce these to move them in traditional distribution. Now we have to send stock from some regions to others. We deeply apologize to backers affected by this. We will reach out to ask your preference. Even though more than 95% of the backers from these regions got all the items they ordered, we regret the fact that not all of our backers will be able to get all the promos they ordered at this time. We are still looking for solutions. And in any case you can count on us following up and compensating in some way to backers affected by this.

All other regions

Status is pretty much the same as last week's update so please refer to the previous update.


That's all for now, but we will keep you updated about news in the next update, most likely with a status change for all regions that have not been fulfilled yet. 

Happy Easter! We hope you find some dino-sized chocolate eggs. ROOOOAAARRR!

Local Pickup, recent orders and pending shipments
10 months ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 05:50:15 AM

Hello Dodino Island! 

This update has a brief status update for shipments. Most of the info in this update is regarding Local Pickup (in Spanish for convenience).

If you have already received your games please rate the game in BoardGameGeek after playing! We will be very grateful and that helps a lot! Here's the entry for Dodo Dash and here's the entry for the original Dodos Riding Dinos.

If you have any inquires or need assistance you can reach out to [email protected] with the subject "DRD Backer support". Note that we are receiving a higher volume of emails so our response time is currently longer than usual.

  • 🇺🇸 US – Fulfilled by Gamerati: ✅🎊Shipped! ⏳ With very few orders pending to ship due to the inventory shift of Kux & Babbey. We are still working on this and deeply apologize with backers affected by this. We are coordinating to send all copies left with other fulfillment partners to Gamerati. 
  • 🇨🇦 CA – Fulfilled by Pick & Pack Logistics: ✅🎊Shipped! ⏳Let us know if you haven't received your game so we can follow up with them. There are a few orders on hold, waiting for items in French (primarily). We are coordinating the delivery from Happyshops or Gamerati, so these orders can be completed. 
  • 🇲🇽 MX – Fulfilled by Detestable Games: 🚚Shipping has started! The container was received and unloaded. Orders are currently being sent, some have arrived already but most are still in transit. More info below, particularly for Local Pickup.
  • 🇨🇱 CL – Fulfilled by Circoctel: ✅🎊Shipped! Pending promos have been received and sent by Circoctel which should be in transit 🚚
  • 🇬🇧 UK – Fulfilled by BoardGameGuru: 📦Almost ready to ship. Pallet has been received! 🎊⏳They are preparing the orders and getting ready to ship everything! You should receive your rewards within the next couple of weeks! 
  • 🇪🇺 Rest of Europe, Rest of Latin America, Africa – Fulfilled by Happyshops: ✅🎊Shipped! 
  • 🇦🇺 Australia and New Zealand – Fulfilled by VR Distribution: ✅🎊Shipped! 🚚With some orders still in transit.
  • 🇨🇳 China and Asia – Fulfilled by VFI Asia: ✅🎊Shipped! 🚚With orders to some countries still in transit. We realized some orders in Indonesia and Singapore were missing, and after doing some research, seems that they skipped that list accidentally, but it is on transit now too. The shipments will leave the warehouse this week and here's an estimate on how long it takes for the games to arrive: 
    • Japan - around 14 days arrive
    • South Korea - around 14 days arrive
    • Singapore - around 21 days arrive
    • Philippines - around 30 days arrive
    • Taiwan - around 7 days arrive
    • Thailand - around 30 days arrive
    • Malaysia - around 21 days arrive
    • Vietnam -  around 30 days arrive
    • Idonesia - around 45 days arrive
    • Israel - around 45 days to arrive 
    • Bahrain - around 75 days arrive
    • Kuwait - around 60 days arrive
    • Oman - around 60 days arrive
    • Saudi Arabia - around 60 days arrive
    • United Arab Emirates - around 45 days arrive
    • South Africa - around 60 days arrive
    • India - around 45 days arrive


El momento ha llegado y primero que nada queremos agradecer su paciencia infinita para el fulfillment de este proyecto. Fue un reto logísitico para nosotros traer todo un contenedor completo con 18 pallets a México desde China directo pero ya están en oficinas. 

Cajas y cajas con nuestros amigos de Detestable Games y en bodega, cada día despachando órdenes nuevas.

Las tiendas que nos apoyan con entrega local son: 

  • El Duende (CDMX)
  • Nalua Juegos (CDMX)
  • Orc Stories (CDMX)
  • Raven Folks (CDMX)
  • Caravana Gamelab (GDL)
  • Juega + Juguetería (GDL)
  • Troya Juegos (QRO)
  • Ami Comi (MTY)
  • Amukiri (BCS) - Donde se debe confirmar horario de recolección, enviaremos los detalles via Whatsapp.

Adicionalmente, si seleccionaste recoger con el equipo de Draco Studios, se hará entrega en Puebla y en CDMX. Debido a que no será posible entregar en oficinas haremos entrega en tiendas. Estaremos en comunicación directa via Whatsapp para reafirmar lo siguiente: 

  • Si seleccionaste Draco HQ en CDMX, deberás presentarte en El Duende, donde estará Will.
  • Si seleccionaste Draco HQ en Puebla, deberás presentarte en Coffee & Dragons (Chulavista), donde estará Gabo.

Sábado 30 de marzo ¿Cómo recoger mis juegos?

Cada tienda tendrá una lista con las recompensas del backer que decidió recoger su juego ahí. NO se puede recoger en otra tienda, tiene que ser la tienda que elegiste al llenar tu encuesta. 


  1. Deberás presentarte el día sábado 30 de marzo en la tienda que hayas elegido al llenar tu encuesta de Backerkit en el horario que la tienda ofrezca. 
  2. Presentar INE y pasaporte en original y copia (esta se la quedará la tienda para temas logísticos de nosotros), y firmar la copia de recibido una vez entregado tu paquete. 
  3. Si no puedes asistir por tus recompensas, puedes pedir que alguien mas vaya a recogerlo. Asegúrate de que esa persona lleve su INE, tu copia de INE, y que tu nos envíes un correo  a [email protected] con el sujeto "DRD Local pickup" para poder avisar de esto a la tienda. Es importante que nos avises de esto directamente a nosotros, para centralizar la información que nosotros le haremos llegar a la tienda. 

Sólo se contempla el día 30 para entrega. Si no es factible que tú o alguien más recoja, tendremos que dar seguimiento caso por caso, ya sea por envío de paquetería (costo adicional) o de otro modo. Queremos evitar complicar la coordinación para las tiendas que amablemente han ofrecido ser punto de recolección. ¡Ayúdanos a lograrlo!

Es importante mencionar que si bien no hubo ningún cobro de envío para Local Pickup, nosotros como empresa sí incurrimos en costos para estas entregas (por esa razón, en campañas posteriores si hay un costo por Local Pickup). Por favor ayúdanos a maximizar que el porcentaje de entrega en Local pickup sea del 100%

Nuevamente, muchas gracias por todo su apoyo!