Award-winning dexterity racing game inspired by kart racing videogames. War for Chicken Island and Kiwi Chow Down are back!
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Community Goals!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 04:26:12 AM
Let the fun continue with community goals!
As a backer myself, I have had the most memorable crowdfundingexperiences joining in the social goals from other Kickstarter projects I enjoy. Six years ago I even composed a song.
By doing this you also help spread the word, the campaign gets more backers and we all unlock stretch goals faster!
But with this community effort we also plan to include more cards in Dodo Dash, developed alongside the community!
Remember use the hashtag #DodoDash and turn the sharing settings to public so we can find and count them. You may also share links in the comment section for other backers to see!
If you want to go the extra mile, include the link to the campaignand/or tag a friend to continue the challenge (and count for the goals).
Let's spread the love for dodos and dinos!
To try the dodo dash projectile launch, place a token in the back of your hand, raise your hand beside the shoulder and launch!
You unlocked 2 more stretch goals!! Your copy of Dodo Dash is getting more content! Let’s see what you unlocked:
x2 New Dodo Idol cards!
In El Dodorado, you can find golden dodo idols of different sizes and shapes. Some of them show weird combinations of a dodo with dinosaur features.
The very first Dodo Idol appeared in the original game of Dodos Riding Dinos as a Power-up card for the Cup Mode and its effect granted your racer to gain the ability of another racer. That was an easter egg of what was coming.
These new dodo idol cards also grant an additional power for your racer until the end of the race.
The way to obtain them is different though.
Thematically, while your dino runs in El Dodorado, it may hurl its dodo to pick an idol that is hard for the dino to reach.
Mechanically, the unblockable yellow movement cards allow you to try the Dodo Dash shot. The first racer hit gets a Dodo Idol card from the lineupor If the lineup is empty, then that player can take a dodo idol card from another Racer.
The effects of these cards varies and can be combined since there's nolimit in the amount of dodo idols you can have.
Dodo Idol cards grant an additional power for your Racer until the end of the game. But be careful, other players may steal them from you with a Dodo Dash!
Some examples:
When you recover (having no cards in hand), instead of drawing 5 cards and going back 3 hexes, you draw 4 cards but go back only 1 hex.
All your projectiles deal 1 extra damage and you also take 1 card from the Racer hit with your projectile.
Which dodino idols do you like the most?
This is your chance to suggestsomepowers for the new Dodo Idol cards while also participating in one of the challenges from the community goals!
First-player marker upgrade and new projectile token
This unlocked stretch goal is one I'm very excited about!
First, instead of using the first-player marker as the projectile, you are getting a new wooden token with the shape of a dodo being thrown! (Work in progress)
Second, your first-player marker in Dodo Dash is getting a different look than the one from the original game! It will be in yellow and with the shape of a dodo idol! We are considering doing this first-player marker in foam to complement your protection kit, but we want to hear your thoughts.
(Foam tokens can be used to protect the paint on your miniatures if you decide to paint them)
We are very close to unlock another stretch goal! Keep spreading the word with your friends!
Livestream replay
In case you missed yesterday's livestream, here's the replay!
Dodo Dash profile avatars
We created some avatars for you to use on your Kickstarter profile (or other platform's). You can find them at the end of this project update. Let's see a ton of Dodo Dash love in the comments section!
That's all for now! The weekend is approaching and it is the perfect time to participate on community goals. We will be in touch tomorrow with another update!
Funded in 18 minutes! 1500+ backers in 24hrs! Stretch Goals!!
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 12:11:02 AM
This is a new record! Thank you so much! To all of you, amazing dino-racers.
You came into this new project as fast as a meteorite and we are dumbfounded at how quickly you saddled up your dinos to back us, this is humbling and exciting all at once.
More than 1500 of you started the race in the first 24 hours of our campaign, making it our most successful project launch! Thank you so much for trusting us, this is the kind of love that moves us forward in creatingexciting and wackier games.
But this is just the first step in an incredible crazy race!
Stretch goals and Community goals are next, so keep an eye on our updates where we will be posting some fun things for all of you.
We love to engage with our community through community goals and will be posting them later today, we have many challenges for you to complete but this is also your chance to share with us your ideas and expectations for the community goals.
Get ready to dash!
Dino-racers! Prepare your wings and groom your feathers! One of the challenges will involve tyring your Dodo Dash skills with the new projectile shot! Stay tuned!
Stretch goals have arrived!
The contents and quality of Dodo Dash is growing! Now that you surpassed the $100,000 mark – you can find the details about why they start at $100,000+ in the Stretch Goals section from the campaign description but in short, we are committed to include since day-1 the same quality upgrades from the original game to the expansion that are needed to perfectly mix & match them. And also because we are reprinting all the other games.
Stretch goals will keep a $5,000 and $10,000 separation so let's unlock a ton of them!
The great news is that you ALREADY UNLOCKED A NEW RACER!
WE WANT YOU TO NAME THIS DINO! After all, you were the ones who brought her to life into the expansion!
We have been calling her Styra (because she's a Styracosaurus) but we are sure you can come up with a better name!
We have some fun stretch goals coming!
Path to El Dodorado
With Dodo Dash, you are finally stepping into El Dodorado, a hidden land in the depths of Dodino Island, discovered by intrepid adventurers who follow the hidden clues in the original game of Dodos Riding Dinos, and in the role-playing adventure “Curse of the Doodoo Doll” released in the original Dodos Riding Dinos campaign.
Now is time for the dodos to race in this track and face the dangers it holds, if they want to claim their rightful place as rulers of Dodino Island
Can you spot all the Dodo idols in the board? How many are they? Aftercommenting a name for the new dino come back to count them and let us know in the main comment sectionhow many dodo idols you can find!
Frequently asked questions
We have received many questions about the sleeves, foam tokens, big box, loyalty reward, etc. Our team is answering in the comments and adding the most common questions to the FAQ section for your convenience.
Be assured that we read and consider all of your thoughts and ideas so keep them coming!
Yes, we have plans for a big box but we need to share news of the future plans with you first.
Yes, we have a solution for the foam token for the Dodo shot. Let's unlock some stretch goals to talk in detail.
Yes, all day-1 backers get the Print and Play files for free regardless of the pledge level or pledge amount.
No, the loyalty reward for returning backers is not added if you are not choosing at least 1 physical add-on or pledge level with physical items.
Unfortunately, we cannot split the custom sleeves with the foam tokens because this is one of the few add-ons that is already produced and they come together. But we assure you this is the best price! We are thinking of solutions and will keep you updated.
Join us in our weekly livestream
Join Pam and Will at 12:00pm PT (in 1 hour from now) in our weekly livestream to talk more about Dodo Dash highlights and campaign plans or even ask questions in real time!
That's all for now. Help us spread the dodino love by sharing the campaign, including the link so others can join this speed-filled campaign.
Nothing makes us happier than reading your comments, ideas, questions, and of course seeing your pictures sharing an amazing time racing with your friends. Thank you for supporting us!