Award-winning dexterity racing game inspired by kart racing videogames. War for Chicken Island and Kiwi Chow Down are back!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Fulfillment coordination in Mexico
10 months ago
– Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 11:13:25 AM
Hello Dodino island!
This update is mostly for our Mexican backers with some info in Spanish for their convenience, regarding timeline, deliveries and local pickup. As you may know, this game was developed in Mexico, where we are based.
However, for your convenience in future referencing to a project update, here's a quick reminder of the status in other regions. We might have a more detailed shipping status update in 1 or 2 weeks.
🇺🇸 US – Fulfilled by Gamerati: ✅🎊Shipped! ⏳With very few orders pending to ship due to an inventory shift (there were not enough EN Kux & Babbey sent and we are arranging that).
🇨🇦 CA – Fulfilled by Pick & Pack Logistics: 📦Almost ready to ship, cargo arrived, shipping labels were created in advance so that fulfillment was faster after receiving the cargo.
🇲🇽 MX – Fulfilled by Detestable Games: 📦Almost ready to ship, container unloaded from ship and waiting for customs clearance, shipping starting soon.
🇨🇱 CL – Fulfilled by Circoctel: ✅🎊Shipped! With the promos arriving in a few weeks as a separate shipment.
🇬🇧 UK – Fulfilled by BoardGameGuru: ⛴Forwarding from Germany to UK is finally starting this week. Thanks so much for your extra patience, these extra steps were needed to avoid higher shipping prices to you. ETA to backers: End of April.
🇪🇺 Rest of Europe, Rest of Latin America, Africa – Fulfilled by Happyshops: ✅🎊Shipped! ⏳With very few orders pending to ship due to an inventory shift (there were not enough EN Kux & Babbey sent and we are arranging that).
🇦🇺 Australia and New Zealand – Fulfilled by VR Distribution: ✅🎊Shipped! 🚚With some orders still in transit.
🇨🇳 China and Asia – Fulfilled by VFI Asia: ✅🎊Shipped! 🚚With some orders to some countries still in transit.
Again, expect more news in the coming 1 or 2 weeks. Your games are coming!
For support in missing/damaged items, send an email to [email protected] with the subject "DRD wrong items"
For questions about the game, the best way to address them is to look in BoardGameGeek forums within the game's entry (here's Dodo Dash and here's the original Dodos Riding Dinos) and you might find your question already there. If not, please start a new thread and I will be following up there so others can benefit from the public reply.
Start painting your minis! We will host a painting party with prize rewards once all fulfillment is in progress (or finished) in every region.
Thanks again for all your unwavering support!
Mexico: Coordinación de entregas
Estimados patrocinadores, sabemos que la espera ha sido larga, pero cada semana estamos más cerca de las entregas.
El contenedor ha sido descargado del barco finalmente (después de la saturación en puerto de Manzanillo desde enero que mandaron el barco a dar vueltas). Ahora estamos en proceso de liberación aduanal, esperando que suceda esta semana y recibamos la carga a inicios de la siguiente. De ser así, es posible que las entregas se realicen en un par de semanas. Crucemos dedos para que la liberación aduanal sea rápida.
Sabemos que ha sido tardado pero toda demora ha sido en beneficio de la calidad del juego y su jugabilidad, y más adelante en temas logísticos de embarcación debido a la importación legal de los juegos, con procesos muy burocráticos y lentos en nuestro país, sumado a la saturación del puerto. Verdaderamente este tema logístico está fuera de nuestras manos ya que dependemos de las autoridades nacionales, pero ha ido avanzando y parece que ya estamos en la última recta.
Entrega local (Local pickup)
Para quienes seleccionaron entrega local en alguna de las tiendas participantes o con miembros de nuestro equipo, estaremos en comunicación para confirmar su asistencia. El plan es coordinar las entregas para que suceda el mismo día en la mayor cantidad de puntos. Son varios estados y requerirá que la mayoría de los miembros del equipo de Draco Studios se encuentren en distintas ubicaciones. Esperen noticias pronto. A estas alturas parece que el 9 de marzo fue muy optimista dado que seguimos en proceso de liberación aduanal, pero no debe ser mucho más lejano que eso. ¡Agradecemos infinitamente su paciencia!
Respecto a una falla de coordinación...
Como parte de nuestro compromiso en la transparencia, quiero abordar un tema delicado y disculparme por ello. Así como compartirles los pasos tomados para enmendarlo.
Debido a una falla en nuestros procesos, hubo una tienda en México (muy apreciada por la comunidad y por nosotros también) que recibió los juegos antes desde Estados Unidos y los listó para venta. Esto fue corregido inmediatamente gracias a que algunos backers lo reportaron. Contacté a la tienda para solicitar que no se listaran ni se vendieran los títulos hasta que los backers en la región recibieran sus copias. El listado de los juegos sólo duró un par de horas y aunque no sabemos si hubo alguna persona que alcanzó a realizar una compra, queremos disculparnos por ello ya que no es la experiencia que queremos brindar. Como patrocinadores del proyecto, creemos que ustedes deben recibir sus juegos antes.
Esto sucedió debido a que la tienda completó su encuesta solicitando que su pedido para venta se entregase en Estados Unidos en vez de México.
Nosotros no revisamos manualmente cada respuesta en Backerkit ya que el objetivo de usar ese sistema es precisamente el de automatizar entregas de miles de personas en vez de revisión individual propensa a más errores de otra índole (más graves).
Además, nada impide a cualquier backer, incluido una tienda en patrocinar desde su cuenta personal y que no tengamos manera de asociar o reconocer quien está detrás.
La tienda trae algunos juegos desde Estados Unidos y es entendible que quisiera consolidar nuestros títulos junto con otros.
Estoy seguro de que NO fue un acto de mala fe para iniciar venta antes, ya que en cuanto le escribimos para solicitar que no vendiera aún los juegos que recibió desde las entregas en USA, accedió amablemente a detener la venta directa (en línea y presencial). Acordamos que es correcto gestionar preventas (pero no entregando las copias hasta que los backers inicien a recibirlas). Las preventas es una práctica común que cualquier tienda que apoya el Kickstarter lo puede hacer. ¿Por qué apoyar un Kickstarter entonces y no una tienda que tiene preventa? Es decisión personal de cada quien y ambas tienen pros y contras. Por un lado la diferencia en tiempos de espera o precios, por otro lado la disponibilidad de las promos y otros artículos, que en el Kickstarter están disponibles para todos, y en la preventa de tiendas está limitado a lo que fue el pedido de tienda y se puede agotar.
Y en el caso de nuestros backers de Dodo Dash con entrega local, esta tienda ofreció ser punto de recolección. Es una tienda con excelente reputación y servicio a la comunidad, es por eso que amablemente les pido su comprensión. Se trató meramente de una falla de coordinación y comunicación. Las tiendas muchas veces no siguen el estatus de los Kickstarter debido al altísimo número de títulos que apoyan en Kickstarter o adquieren en distribución y simplemente listan los juegos en cuanto los reciben.
Las copias que recibió la tienda son sus propias copias que adquirió en Kickstarter (con entrega en USA), no son las copias de recolección local ya que esas vienen en el barco y nosotros las entregaremos asisitiendo a la tienda.
Nuevamente agradecemos por su apoyo y comprensión y por nuestro lado, hemos tomado el aprendizaje para coordinarnos mejor al respecto en proyectos futuros, ahora que estamos creciendo en temas de distribución. Es la primera vez que nos sucede una situación así.
He estado contestando mensaje tras mensaje en Facebook, Discord, Kickstarter, Whatsapp, correos y los medios por los que nos contactan, lo hago porque reconozco el error y me importa lo que nuestros backers opinen y la experiencia que se llevan. Sus mensajes no son ignorados y si hemos crecido estos años es gracias a su retroalimentación y apoyo. Por esa razon... (seguir leyendo la siguiente sección).
Enmendando el error
Aunque sólo haya sucedido por un lapso corto de tiempo y que ya no se está ofreciendo el juego con entrega inmediata, sabemos que esto ha causado un trago amargo y por eso, a todos nuestros patrocinadores en Mexico que pidieron una copia de Dodo Dash o Dodos Riding Dinos original, les incluiremos un par de cartas promo que no han sido publicadas antes. Es tan solo una muestra de que sí nos importa corregir nuestros errores y que nos importa toda nuestra comunidad de backers.
Les agradezco a título personal y en nombre de todo Draco Studios su apoyo, paciencia y comprensión. Quedamos atentos a cualquier comentario por cualquier medio. Y estamos ansiosos por entregar todas las recompensas en todas las partes del mundo, pero sobretodo en México ya nos urge.
Estaremos en contacto próximamente para más información de las entregas, finalmente se ve muy próxima la fecha.
Fulfillment at 80%
11 months ago
– Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 09:37:28 AM
Hello Dodino Island! 🦤
We are delighted to share that backers in the US and Canada started receiving their rewards last week! We are back with more updates for each region. Don't forget to rate the game in BoardGameGeek! ✅
If you have not received yours, please be patient, it is possible that your parcel is still on its way or that the shipping label was created in advance but before dispatch because of how fulfillment partners usually operate.
We will let you know when all orders to your region should have arrived so you can reach out if yours hasn't; before that, we kindly ask to be patient since we receive hundreds of emails each day and it takes time for us to answer all of them.
⚠️ Replacements / Incorrect items: If you have already received your rewards but an item or component is missing, damaged or in a wrong language, please reach out to [email protected] with the subject "DRD Missing/Damaged item". Please note that we need pictures, and particularly with boxes with heavy damage, we also need pictures from the outer box that was used to package all your rewards so that we can file a claim with the courier.
🇺🇸 Gamerati - USA
We were told they still have 60-70 orders pending to bedispatched. There are more than 2000 orders for the USA and some might still be on transit.
Important: Due to a inventory mixup there are some mistakes taking place with fulfillment which we are working to resolve together with Gamerati. We deeply apologize for the hassle but they have a lot of items to go through and while we have had very smooth fulfillment processes in our past campaigns, we are not exempt of facing challenges like this once in a while.
1) If you received the base game instead of Dodo Dash, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject "DRD return" and we will ask Gamerati to send a return slip and the correct name asap.
2) Some Servit & Aureus were sent in Spanish instead of English. Gamerati asked us to check with you if this is your case and you could help us send back just the card to them (as they need them to fulfill some orders). Address is: Gamerati / Draco Studios 4823 95th St SW #7A, Lakewood, WA 98499 +1 253-882-5145
It would mean the world if you could help us send it back. If not, let us know so we can ask them to send returning slips, but the overall process for cards would be easier if your could send the card in Spanish. It shouldn't cost more than 1USD (envelope+stamp) and you can let us know so we can refund you. Please let us know in the comments or an email to [email protected] with the subject "DRD card return"
🇨🇦 Pick & Pack Logistics - Canada
The hub has received one of the cargoes and are waiting for the second one. We are in the queue and some orders have been created.
The first orders will leave the hub in a few days, with the rest being sent within the next 3 weeks.
It is normal if you haven't received anything yet, even tracking info. You should see progress during March and most likely receive your rewards before April.
🇲🇽 Detestable Games - Mexico
¡Los juegos ya están en tierra! Finalmente, después de que el barco no pudiera descargar por falta de espacio en puerto y demorarse algunas semanas dando vueltas, ya se ha descargado el contenedor, está en aduana y en cuanto los liberen, llegarán a las oficinas de Detestable Games en Guadalajara.
De ahí se enviarán a backers que pidieron entrega a domicilio y coordinaremos la entrega para quienes eligieron Local pickup. En ambos casos, se les contactará por correo o Whatsapp.
El objetivo es realizar la entrega el mismo día en todos los estados. Tentativamenteel sábado 9 de marzo pero los mantendremos informados para confirmar.
🇨🇱 Circoctel - Chile
Circoctel nos ha apoyado para enviar a todos los patrocinadores en Chile los juegos base en Español debido a que son el distribuidor autorizado e importaron juegos. Este amable gesto por parte de Circoctel ha ayudado mucho a que se pudieran entregar de manera anticipada algunas de las recompensas en vez de esperar envíos desde Alemania para resto del mundo.
Las recompensas faltantes (promos, add-ons, etc) van en camino desde Alemania a Circoctel y se encuentran ya en la aduana de Chile. Estimamos que a mediados de marzo terminen de llegar estas recompensas al domicilio final de los patrocinadores en Chile.
🇪🇺 Happyshops - Europe, Africa and rest of Latin America
Happyshops is still in the process of fulfilling the games with some still on transit or labels created. It is normal if you haven't received anything yet, even tracking info. You should see progress during March and most likely receive your rewards before April.
If you backed Pátzcuaro, Neuroriders, and/or Cosmic Cow Collectors on Backerkit, your order should ship by early March given that the games just left customs and should arrive to Happyshops within this week.
🇬🇧 BoardGameGuru - United Kingdom
With Happyshops receiving this week the last container with other titles from Draco Studios, the pallet will be wrapped and everything will be forwarded to BoardGameGuru. They already have all the information to start fulfillment as soon as they receive the pallets. Thanks so much for your extra patience, these extra steps are required in order to achieve friendly shipping and make sure our products arrive to GB without crazy high shipping prices.
🇨🇳 VFI - Asia
We received an update and were missing some info:
China, Hong Kong and Macao: Orders have been fulfilled. If you haven't received yours please reach out to [email protected] with the subject "Missing DD"
Israel: Shipping has been affected and delayed due to the war, the shipping route just reopened and they estimate that this shipment to go out to their hub in mid-March. You should expect news from them around April once the hub receives the cargo.
Rest of Asia: orders were on hold until Chinese New Year's celebration and are resuming now. The exception are the countries for which VFI works with another fulfillment hub such as Singapore, which are receiving the parcels at their hub and delivery is in process.
📦 Notes about storage
We are convinced that you are receiving a fantastic game! Extremely fun and with top production quality. However, there are a few aspects that we wish we could have done differently and we are addressing those. Our plan is to allocate store credit or discount coupons for all backers who were affected by any of the aspects described below once we publish our new webstore in the coming months.
📥 Plastic trays not fitting sleeved cards with all extra add-ons
Unfortunately, the plastic tray was not created in the way we instructed and it was already too late when we realized this. This impacts players who own all promos and sleeved cards.
As enthusiasts of storing everything inside our game boxes, this is also disappointing for us and we are exploring the possibility of creating a limited run of new trays which go all the way to the bottom for sleeved cards to fit. Stay tuned for a form to opt-in to be notified when this becomes a reality.
🃏 Protection kit not having enough transparent sleeves
This is a bittersweet one, on one hand, we decided to deliver more cards so that replayability is increased. We are always happy to overdeliver. On the other hand, this caused the already existing Protection Kits to not have enough standard size sleeves for all of them. The good news is that these are for the most standard size (poker, MtG). However we understand there's a bit of hassle in getting another pack of sleeves.
We want to set things right so backers with this will also be eligible for store credit / discount coupon in a few months.
🐓 War for Chicken Island Revised Rulebook
On a similar note, we are so sorry with the miscommunication regarding the rulebook size.
The first edition of War for Chicken Island with the big box that holds all promos is no longer available, and the second edition of War for Chicken Island changed the box size to match the rest of the product line and save on shipping and manufacture cost.
We offered the upgrade pack as an option for those who already backed the first campaign. The plan with this pack always was to print additional copies of the new rulebook and cards, the rulebook proportions are not the same as the 1st edition box.
What we suggest, is slide the rulebook on one of the sides and let the top rest on the plastic tray.
We understand this was not clear in the campaign and we want to set things right so backers with this will also be eligible for store credit / discount coupon in a few months.
We have 2 days left before this smooth campaign ends! The games are already in mass production and our goal here is to fulfill quickly just as we did for Pátzcuaro, Neuroriders, Cosmic Cow Collectors and likely to do so too in Party Panda Pirates. This means that the copies available for first printing are limited but we expect to reprint the game in the future.
Over 1,200+ dragons joined and are ready to "sea" their dragons on their gaming table!
In Sea Dragons, you must protect the seas by sinking pirate ships, collecting their treasures, and becoming the legendary protectors of the aquatic kingdoms.
In the game, each participant plays as a family of sea dragons who are seeking to become the protectors of the forbidden seas. Your long-term goals are to achieve the greatest presence in each of the four kingdoms at the end of the game and get the most victory points by completing missions and collecting treasures.
That's all for now but we plan to be back soon, most likely in a couple of weeks with more fulfillment updates.
Fulfillment status!
11 months ago
– Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 12:40:50 PM
Hello Dodino Island!
We are delighted to read some of you already receiving your dodos and being amazed by quality. Once again, thank you so much for your trust and support through this campaign!
Let's go through a quick recap:
USA: We are next on the queue! Gamerati will print the labels next week and will start shipping orders. You might hear from there within the next couple of weeks. Remember that if you also backed the Detestable collection - Patzcuaro, Cosmic Cow Collectors and Neuroriders - you will receive these games 2 months early!
Canada: The pallet arrived with Pick&Pack Logistics and after exchanging of emails to clarify some SKUs, they are ready to begin! You should hear from them next week.
Mexico:Una disculpa por la confusión aquí, va la explicación: Los juegos base (War for Chicken Island, Kiwi Chow Down, Dodo Dash y Dodos Riding Dinos) se enviaron directo desde China a México, para descargar todo en Manzanillo y agilizar el proceso. El barco llegó a mediados de Enero pero nos avisaron que lo mandaron a dar la vuelta porque no había espacio en Manzanillo para descargar. El barco ha estado dando vueltas y apenas a mediados de Febrero lo descargaran. Los juegos de la colección Detestable - Cow Collectors, Patzcuaro y Neuroriders - ya están en las oficinas de Detestable así como las promos de Dodos. Estos fueron enviados desde Gamerati y ya llegaron. Perdón la confusión aquí, yo tenía la info al revés. En cuanto los juegos lleguen a Detestable, el equipo meterá turbo para agilizar el proceso de entregas. Nuestra fecha estimada es finales de Febrero, principios de Marzo. Prometemos que "Ya mérito!" están aquí.
Europe,Africa & South America — Happyshops already started with some orders and some of you have received your dodos already! Fulfillment is in progress and should be completed within the next weeks.
UK - As mentioned in the previous update, Happyshops will send a pallet to Boardgame Guru but the pallet hasn't been shipped yet. Our ETA for UK is within the end of February - mid March. we will keep everyone posted as soon as the pallet is shipped to UK.
Chile - Aquí tuvimos una falla de comunicación pero se solucionó en el momento. Circoctel es el distribuidor en Chile y se encargó de importar desde China los juegos, el repartió a backers y tiendas, y las tiendas automáticamente sacaron los juegos cuando aun estaba en proceso de entrega a backers. Quedó solucionado y a estas alturas todos deberían tener sus juegos e incluso la colección Detestable. Asimismo, Happyshops está enviando a Circoctel una segunda ola para las promo de Dodos (Servit&Aureus, Kux&Babbey, playmats, etc) aquellos backers que pidieron éstas las recibirán en un segundo envío.
Asia — VFI started fulfillment a few weeks ago, some of you already confirmed receiving them. If you haven't receive your games, please let us know to the email shared at the end of the update. Happy new year of the Dragon to everyone who celebrates!
Australia — VR Distribution sent already the tracking numbers and your games should be on the way to you. You should receive your games within the next weeks.
Dodo Dash & Detestable Collection
If you are in Europe, Africa or South America and have backed the Detestable Collection Backerkit campaign - Patzcuaro, Cosmic Cow Collectors and Neuroriders - your order might take a bit longer to arrive because Happyshops is preparing the orders from those 3 items, merging them with Dodo Dash's orders. You should receive the orders by the end of February. We are delivering 2 months early the Detestable Collection, YAAAY!
Avian Trilogy Pack Errata on the box
It was brought to our attention that the box says it includes 108 cards, but after checking the files sent to Panda, you should have 106 + the one with the rules. Thanks Tobias for catching that!
As you can see, we had 2 plates for this item, each plate has 54 cards and one of them only had 53 cards 🙂
Sea Dragons coming to Kickstarter on the 13th!
We are so happy to share with you that we are teaming up with Fractal Games to bring the game "Sea Dragons" in English! Protect the island from the pirates and gain control over the seas!
If you need to get in touch for any issues, please send an email to [email protected] . If you already did and need a replacement, please give us a bit of time to finish fulfillment and we will proceed with those 🙂
Once again, thank you so much for always being with us through every step of the journey, you are the reason we keep going.
Until next update! ROAAAR!
Fulfillment starting!
12 months ago
– Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 02:06:59 PM
Hello Dodino Island!
First of all, my sincerest apologies for not posting this update sooner. As many of you know, our baby dodo was waiting on a date for her surgery and we got the confirmation for Saturday 13th, everything went super fast from there and we only had headspace for that and the recovery. Until now, she's getting better and being herself again so I finally had the time to sit down and finish the update. Again, thanks so much for your comprehension and sorry for this late update.
However, the logistics have been progressing with their respective fulfillment partners and the intervention from our colleague Gabo. Here are the updates.
USA: Gamerati received the games. We were in the queue for fulfillment and they are now processing the orders. You should hear from them within the next weeks and receive your games. It is possible that you get a notification with tracking info first which is when the label is created, and it is normal if it is not showing process in the first couple of days (Gamerati is pick and packing all the parcels, and printing labels).
Canada: Gamerati prepared the pallets for Pick & Pack Logistics who picked up the games today (Wednesday) and are traveling to Canada. Fulfillment should start in a few weeks, within February. We are almost there! Thanks so much for your extra patience!
Mexico: Al igual que Canada, Gamerati ya envió las recompensas a nuestro importador en Texas y de ahí llegarán a Guadalajara. La entrega empezará muy pronto, estimamos que en un par de semanas. Contactaremos a todos los que escogieron Local pickup (recolección local) para indicaciones de cuándo pueden pasar a recoger sus recompensas a las tiendas participantes.
Europe,Africa & South America — Happyshops already received the games too and is processing the orders to begin fulfillment by the end of the month!
UK - Happyshops will prepare a pallet that we will forward to BoardGameGuru and once received, they will handle fulfillment so that they ship within GB. This might take a bit longer, but you should be receiving your games within February - March. Thanks again for your extra patience.
Asia — VFI started fulfillment a few days ago, some of you already confirmed receiving them.
Australia — VR already received the games and we are on the queue to start. Orders being processed.
We are super close to fulfill this game and the reprints of all the Creature Kingdoms collection, and once again, we can't thank you enough for making it possible!
Thanks again for your patience! We are in the last stretch of this campaign to fulfill the project. As backers ourselves, We understand
Painting party coming soon!
Just as with the campaign for the original game of Dodos Riding Dinos when it fulfilled 2 years ago, we would like to host a painting party where everyone has the chance to win prizes regardless of your skill level! Once copies arrive to all regions, we will share more details about the dates, prizes and where to share. You can start painting your minis as soon as you get your games!
Dice Tower promos!
As mentioned in past updates, Will is working to offer the promos in several channels because we don't want them to be exclusives for conventions. And you can rest assured that they will be available in our webstore as a bundle in the future (once all promos have been released).
We are working to have them all listed in BoardGameGeek soon so you can easily keep track of all promos.
For now, we can share that The Dice Tower (perhaps the most popular content creator network for board games) is running their annual crowdfunding and there are promos for Dodo Dash, Kiwi Chow Down, and War for Chicken Island that will be delivered in some months (after you have received your games). They will also have leftover promos available in their booth during conventions they host and the ones they participate in.
The Dice Tower creates great content, conventions and board game cruises. If you feel like supporting them in their crowdfunding, you can grab some promos, but if it is not within your interests or possibilities at this time, rest assured that all promos for our games will be available in our webstore as a bundle at a reasonable price around 2025.
Thanks again for your patience! We are in the last stretch of the project and will be in touch within 2 weeks with more updates for all regions and the painting party!
Dodos and Pandas at sea!
about 1 year ago
– Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 06:36:57 AM
Ahoy hearties from Dodino island!
We are delighted to share a new status update about freight shipping!
In this update we also share news about some special perks that you have access to for being part of our community, but before those, please scroll down and look for the info related to your region.
As soon as fulfillment starts in a given zone, backers should receive tracking info from our fulfillment partners (and we will also post an update to give a heads up!)
The vessel has arrived to the port of Seattle!! We are so close to start fulfillment. Keep your fingers crossed so that everything continues to move smoothly so our fulfillment partner, Gamerati, will get the cargo very soon.
UnitedStates of America: Once Gamerati gets the container and unloads it, we will enter the fulfillment queue and fulfillment will begin. Backers in the US represent the largest segment, so it could take a couple more weeks for all the orders to ship (the hub can do so many each day).
Canada: Gamerati will forward some pallets to Pick & Pack logistics in Canada who will be in charge to fulfill within Canada.
Mexico: [Spanish] Unos minutos después de publicar la actualización anterior, pudimos leer comentarios en Facebook que nos dejaron claro que hubo un malentendido por falta de detalles. Quiero ofrecerles una disculpa por no haber sido más explícito y en lo sucesivo, incluiré en español y más detalladamente la información logística relacionada a México. Durante los meses recientes hemos informado que la fecha estimada de entregas sería entre Diciembre y Enero. Lo cual quiere decir que en algunas regiones del mundo llegaría en Diciembre y en otras en Enero. Como se explica arriba, las recompensas adicionales de norteamérica llegan primero a Gamerati en Seattle, Estados Unidos (que es lo que llamamos fulfillment hub en la actualización anterior y a donde llega en Diciembre 16). Una vez que les llegan, ellos las envían hacia México para importarlas. Quienes ya han patrocinado proyectos nuestros en el pasado, seguramente ya conocen que así ha sido el proceso, pero ofrezco una disculpa para todos nuestros nuevos patrocinadores. Esto no quiere decir que se ha demorado la entrega a México. Simplemente suele ser así ya que es la manera eficiente en la que podemos traer las recompensas sin que resulte en costos altísimos de envío para México como en la mayoría de las campañas. Detestable Games en Guadalajara estará a carto de los envíos y de mandar información de rastreo. Para recolección local, anunciaremos en una actualización futura las fechas para cada lugar de recolección. Sabemos que ha sido larga la espera pero ya estamos en la recta final y agradecemos muchísimo su comprensión, sabemos que estarán encantados con sus recompensas. Cabe aclarar que Dodos Riding Dinos en su versión original (no Dodo Dash) estuvo disponible en tiendas por sus impresiones pasadas, pero en esta campaña se ofreció para armar paquetes con precio reducido así como promos. Esto no es inusual en campañas para nuevas expansiones con reimpresión del juego base, pero lo que sí podemos hacer en futuras campañas similares a esta es anunciar de manera más clara cuando alguno de los artículos ya se puede conseguir en otros canales (aunque a un precio mayor y sin promos de la editorial).
United Kingdom: Your rewards are traveling in the same containers as the ones for the rest of Europe. Once they arrive to Germany in January, our fulfillment partner Happyshops will forward some pallets to BoardGameGuru to clear customs and begin fulfillment. We will keep you posted. These steps were needed in order to offer friendly shipping within GB with acceptable shipping fees for you.
Rest of Europe + Africa: Rewards will arrive to Happyshops during early January and after clearing customs, pick and packing items, fulfillment will begin and you will receive tracking info.
VR Distribution has collected the 8 pallets of games and promos and the estimated arrival date is late December, we expect fulfillment to begin in January. Once it starts, you will receive tracking info from VR Distribution.
Chile: [ESPAÑOL] Nuestros amigos de Circoctel estarán a cargo del envío en Chile. Una vez que llegue la embarcación con las recompensas extra (promos) a Happyshops, enviaremos unos paquetes a Chile para que se envíen junto con los juegos base. Estimamos que los envíos inicien a finales de enero y los mantendremos informados.
Rest of South America: Rewards for the rest of South America are consolidated in the containers going to Happyshops in Germany. Once there, fulfillment will start and Happyshops will send tracking info. Next year, we are planning to connect with distributors in South America to offer fulfillment in a more direct way such as we are doing now with Mexico and Chile.
Rewards have arrived to VFI Asia and are already in fulfillment queue. We expect fulfillment to begin very soon and once it starts, you will receive tracking info.
Do you need to update your shipping address? Address have been locked now so any request for this should be sent via email to [email protected] with the subject "URGENT DD Address Change". After December 20th, any address changes from US, Australia, Asia might incur in re-routing fees. For the rest of the regions, the same might apply after January 2nd.
We can't wait for your games to arrive! They are sailing the seas to arrive to the hubs and complete their journey to your home but, in the way they made some friends and met a crazy crew...
Party Panda Pirates!
Across the Avian Archipelago, the festive crew of Panda Pirates sails in their giant turtle ship to find the next epic parrrrty! Yo ho Yo ho, a Panda's life for me!
The latest Kickstarter from Creature Kingdoms, a game inspired by Mario Party, is now live and you can jump into their fun challenges (mini games) on the signal of confetti cannons! There are MULTIPLE free rewards for you as returning backers!
IMPORTANT: While the standard edition is just $29, we don't want you to feel pressed to back because we understand we are in the Holiday Season or that some backers would prefer to receive the rewards from Dodo Dash first before backing something else, so we created a $1 Reward tier so you can follow up, upgrade at a later time in the pledge manager and still get the loyalty rewards, early bird and overall lock the same Kickstarter offering. The pledge manager will remain open until June.
There are so many cool components
Check out the large turtle ship miniature where players slide silk-screenedpanda meeples, the game boards shaped as a panda pirate, tons of hilarious art and even metal coins and miniatures for the deluxe version, and now marbled dice thanks to the multiple stretch goals unlocked!
There's even an add-on to use a real pirate hat as a first player marker and use eye-patches for the mini games!
The party starts with the Kickstarter itself, via social goals
We have been told we are madand thank goodness for that, 'cause if we weren't this would probably never work. — Jack Sparrow.
Just like with Dodo Dash, we have many fun social goals and one involves tagging Johnny Depp on Instagram on a post with a panda captain inspired by Jack Sparrow. We can't wait for you to join into these.
Early Bird reward for all live backers (even $1 backers who upgrade in the pledge manager)
Whether you hear about us on day-1 or in the last day, your support on Kickstarter makes you an early supporter for us and this free add-on is another way for us to say thank you! Plus the discounted price in the game and subsidized shipping.
As mentioned previously, we created a $1 Reward tier so you can follow up, upgrade at a later time in the pledge manager and still get the loyalty rewards, early bird and overall lock the same Kickstarter offering. The pledge manager from Party Panda Pirates will remain open until June.
As previously promised, you can get for FREE on this campaign the promo cards we gave at Gen Con and Mega XP. (Note that these will be available in our webstore at a later date, or you can also get just the cards for $5 in the pledge manager if you don't really want Party Panda Pirates )
We are also giving you for free another free reward: the Avian Trilogy Party Cards (different from the Avian trilogy pack) with9 mini gamesfor Party Panda Pirates that use the components from the other games like Dodos Riding Dinos, Kiwi Chow Down and War for Chicken Island.
I'm gonna repeat the important information here so it doesn't get lost and you don't feel pressed to back. We created a $1 Reward tier so you can follow up, upgrade at a later time in the pledge manager and still get the loyalty rewards, early bird and overall lock the same Kickstarter offering.
A Red Panda Pirate Plushie
Given that the Baby dodo plushie had such a fantastic response, we decided to create another plushie of similar size but for Party Panda Pirates. We are sure you will love it.
This game is our next big adventure and we have decided to launch because we have already started preproduction with the factory for the complex components. Once the Kickstarter ends, we just need to finish the layout of the new Party cards unlocked and we will be ready to start production. This time we are confident that we will deliver even ahead of time. Dodo Dash met a 7-8 month delay, which is already half than War for Chicken Island, so we are getting better at optimizing our development, production and logistics processes.
Thank you for always being an awesome community to talk with, support us on every step of the journey. I can't believe is December already, 2024 is around the corner and I just wanted to take a moment to express how lucky we are to have you, our Creature Kingdoms' family! We are here thanks to you!
Thank you for welcoming into your homes, for sharing the passion and enthusiasm towards our games, for being with us on every step we take. We will continue to do our best to exceed your highest expectations!
Ahoy mateys! Arya is sailing through her second Christmas by the hand of Cap Maza (because the restaurant he is at is called Puerto Mazatlán) and is ready to paaaarrrrrty next year!
On behalf of all of us at Detestable Games and Draco Studios, we wish you a wonderful holiday season and a very happy 2024!