Award-winning dexterity racing game inspired by kart racing videogames. War for Chicken Island and Kiwi Chow Down are back!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
7th racer unlocked and the giveway is live!
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Aug 13, 2022 at 12:41:38 AM
Waking up this day with a new racer unlocked and after having some Friday meetings, I was surprised that the Dodo Idols were unlocked too!! What surprises will the weekend bring?
Up to now, you have unlocked 8 new dodo idolsand7 miniatures! We have so much planned and at 275K the 8th racer will be unlocked!
SPOILER ALERT! We will share a survey in the upcoming updates with all the racers that hasn't been done (including the carnotaurus) and the first place will become the 8th racer, while the second place will become the 9th racer (I'm confident we will reach the goal to unlock them).
In the meantime, welcome to Sharov, Arya & Paula!
Wanna know the story behind the name? Aleksandr Grigorevich Sharov was a russian paleontologist who discovered the longisquama insignis. After some brainstorming with the names, we decided to name the longisquamas Arya & Paula, Arya is the future babygirl Will & I are having (coming soon on December! She's still in the oven) and Paula is the beautiful daughter of Pepe (Detestable Games).
We have been working on Sarah & Dianne too, and after receiving some feedback, we decided to change the design a bit. We weren't happy with how the eyes were traduced to the miniature. What do you think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
As mentioned in the last update, we are having a giveaway for a plushie and here's the link to participate! We will announce the winners on the livestream once the campaign ends. This is exclusive for backers, that's why we asked for your backer's number. It doesn't matter which pledge level you choose, if you are a backer, you can enter the raffle!
How to see your backer number? There are two ways:
1) Go to your profile icon (top right aside the Search option) -> In the backed projects option, click "View All" -> At the right of Dodo Dash, you will see a big blue + sign, click it -> A pop up will appear, scroll down and you will see your backer number. Thanks for sharing the information, Enrique!
2) Check your email confirmation from Kickstarter when backing the project.
Remember that the giveaway closes on Wednesday 17th at 11:59pm CT.
Remember that tomorrow, Saturday 13th at 10am CT, we will be sharing the first puzzle to win a plushie! Be the first one sharing the correct answer in the comments section (not the comments in the update) and win a plushie!
That's it for now, good luck in the giveaway!
Important information: Plushie giveaway and puzzles coming soon!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 10:21:08 PM
Hello Dodino Island!
ROAAAAR!!! We are so close to unlock the 7th racer, the Longisquama! But this update is mereley informative for the plushie.
We are so grateful with all the love shared for Dodos Riding Dinos and the new upcoming plushie, keep voting for your favorite in the comment section. While this will be available as an add-on, we want to give away some plushies to a lucky few!
As mentioned in the previous update, you will have two ways to win and we will have 3 winners from each one (6 winners in total).
Until now, this is how the votes and suggestions are going:
First, we are hosting a giveaway on social media and you will be able to enter it tomorrow. You can get additional entries (more chances to win) by tagging your friends or completing other tasks indicated in the rafflecopter. We are also combining some community goals with the options! We will share the link in the next update.
The giveaway will launch in the next update tomorrow and will close on Wednesday 17th at 11:59pm Central Time.
Secondly, by solving puzzles that we will be posting within the next days. Do you remember "The road to El Dodorado?", you might know by now that we love puzzles!
We will announce in advance when we plan to reveal the puzzle so you all can mark it on your calendar.
You can write the answers in the comment section (general comment section, not the comments from the update). The first backer to answer correctly will get a free plushie. This is limited to 1 plushie per backer.
The complexity of the puzzles varies, the 1st one is a bit hard, the 2nd one is the easiest, and the 3rd one is intermediate.
We will post the first puzzleon Saturday 13th at:
10:00am Central Time
8:00am Pacific Time
11:00am Eastern Time
16:00 (4pm) London time
17:00 (5pm) France, Germany time
23:00 (11pm) China time
00:00 (12am) Tokyo time
1:00am Australia time
3:00am New Zealand time
**If 24 hours have passed and we don't have an answer in the comments, we will post an update with clues.
So, in recap:
6 winners, 3 from the giveaway, 1 from each puzzle (the first backer sharing the correct answer in the comment section, not in comments update!). 3 puzzles in total.
Giveaway link will be shared in the next update when unlocking the 7th racer!
First puzzle will be shared on Saturday 13th at 10am Central time.
Vote for your favorite plushie in the comment section!
16+ Stretch Goals Unlocked! A new racer on the horizon!
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 06:44:28 AM
Hello Dodino Island!
ROAAAAAAAAR! 2 treasure tokens were unlocked and now, we unlocked the upgrade box for the expansion! This means: Linen finishing on the inside with a secret. Spot UV (like the original box, making some racers glow). New Insert for all components, to make all NEW promos fit inside the box.
We are so close to unlock the 7th racer at 245K, and after recounting your votes in the comments, the winner is The LONGISQUAMA!
You are all wondering about new minis and at 275K we will unlock the 8th racer! We will have a versus too, but I'll not go that far on this update.
We have been following the results for the survey of the extra add-on and it seems we have a favorite winner, A PLUSHY!
So, time to vote again! Which plushy do you want to add to your Dodo-Dino collection?
a) A normal grown-up dodo
b) A baby Dodo
c) Osborn & Reynaldo
d) Othniel & Tracy
e) Other (drop your suggestions in the comments)
**Please share in the comment section your favorite option or your new idea.
SPOILER ALERT! We will be sharing 2 dynamics to win a FREE plushy!
A giveaway, the more entries you do, the more chances to win, this one will have 3 random winners and a dynamic with puzzles, with 3 more winners, a total of 6 winners! More information in the next update!
We have been working on the new board you unlocked and we are really happy with the results that we are getting. This will be inside the Dodorado temple.
Gnomosapiens has been working too in the new art for cards and the new dinos are really fun. Here's a sneak peek:
We also set on a name for the 5th racer, thank you so much for your suggestions and votes, I'm proud to present you to:
Sternberg & Alberta!
Why Alberta?
Charles and Levi Sternberg – who are now honoured in the new dinosaur’s name – sent two partial skulls to London’s Natural History Museum and even voiced a hunch that the bones might indicate a previously unknown dinosaur.
But those examining the skulls at the British museum at the time disagreed, labelled the fossils as “rubbish” and the bones were promptly forgotten for years.
Nearly a century later, a team of international scientists rummaging through the museum’s collection of bones stumbled upon the skulls, re-examined them closely and found that they belonged to a species unknown until now.
A number of scientists, including paleontologists from Alberta’s Royal Tyrrell Museum, were involved in the project on the new dinosaur which ultimately resulted in a paper published in the journal Acta Palaeontologica Polonica.
They believe the Spinops Sternbergorum was a smaller cousin to the Triceratops and lived 76 million years ago.
The two-ton plant-eater features a distinctive horn projecting from the top of the nose and a boney neck frill with two spikes protruding backwards and two hooks curving forwards.
Since they examined two different skulls displaying the same structural characteristics, scientists are certain the dinosaur is in fact an entire new species and not an individual anomaly.
Scientists are now hoping the new discovery will motivate paleontologists to unearth more fossils of the species, which so far has only been found in Alberta.
We have been also working on the miniature from Sarah & Dianne, it is not final, we are still having trouble passing the concept to 3D. We already have an idea to fix this and we will share it in the upcoming updates.
Community Goals
I just wanted to share a bit more how are we going with the community goals! I'm craving for all the food!
Gen Con
As mentioned in previous updates, we were at Gen Con and having John Hammond and the dinosaurs approving the game was awesome! But we wanted to share more photos of the convention with Dodo Dash in action!
We also received a new video from Grant and we were so honored to hear that we were his favorite game of July!
2 more dodo idols and a connecting tile!
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Aug 08, 2022 at 04:48:26 PM
ROAAAAAR Dodino Island!
Two more stretch goals to the list, that means 15 stretch goals had been unlocked!
2 new dodo idols, I'm loving all the suggestions in the comments section, there's no silly idea, keep them coming!
The connecting tile to jump between the inner to outer track was unlocked too, making the race a bit longer, with more traps to making the race unique!
What's next in the stretch goal line?
We also love the response for the versus challenge! Thanks for your opinion with the Longisquama and the Carnotaurus, I loved reading the comments and seeing such love for the Longisquama! We will launch a proper survey once the racer is unlocked to pick the favourite one.
Talking about surveys, we are so close to the 3000 backers and we want to celebrate it in a special way... we have been asked a lot for some of these items and with your help we could make one a reality. The options for the future add-on on the pledge manager are, a coloring book, an enamel pin (different design than the Gen Con one) or a Dodo-Dino plushy!
What would you like as an add-on to celebrate 3000 backers? Vote here!
Next week, Will will be posting more information about some surprises with new racers and an add-on that will be available in the pledge manager that we are sure will make a lot of you happy (wasn't allow to share spoilers).
Gen Con
Today was the last day at Gen Con, the exhibit hall closed at 4pm EDT but we'll be back for next year! One of the best things of the convention was meeting John Hammond and getting his approval for Dodos Riding Dinos and Dodo Dash!
We were discussing the possibilities or creating a park, but he said something went wrong the last two times... anyways, we couldn't finish the conversation because 2 dinosaurs appeared!
Good thing? Dinosaurs also approved the game!
Demos were run and they brought tons of fun to the table too! We are sure Dodo Dash will add more fun with the Dodo Dash shot!
To end the update with a magical touch... look at this incredible pet participating in the community goals:
New Rally mode Unlocked!
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Aug 08, 2022 at 03:27:51 PM
Hello Dodino Island!
I was hesitant last time about posting the update without unlocking the 190K Stretch Goal, but I posted it anyways, and after an hour I regret it because we unlocked the stretch goal! Yesterday, I decided to wait until the Rally mode was unlocked and get caught in the middle of a normal Friday and that's why I'm posting until now, next time I'll follow my heart and post and update once it is ready from the oven.
But enough from me! Look at you hitting those stretch goals! You have unlocked 2 new cards and the rally mode! ROAAAAR! This means, 13 Stretch Goals had been unlocked so far! The connecting tracks are so close!
What's the Rally mode?
For what has been discussed by the team, more than one lap in a track. Every lap will be faster than the previous one, by getting dodo idols. The racer with 6 dodo idols will win. But, as I mentioned, this is the general idea and we have read your comments, the team is considering the option of making the Rally mode like what you proposed, a battle balloon! If you are hit 3 times, all your balloons are gone and the winner will be the last standing racer with a balloon (or life)... still an option they are evaluating.
Trap Tokens
I have seen many questions regarding this idea and how they will work, here's a quick summary of what our design team have in mind.
Trap tokens will work in all boards, not just the boards from the expansion. They will be face down, the first and last tokens should be 3 hexes before and after the finish line. Then, there should be at least 2 hexes between each trap token. The number of trap tokens may vary depending on the number of players.
If a racer finish their turn on the hex with the trap, this will be activated till the end of the race. There will be two kind of trap tokens, one will be for finishing your turn on that hex, and the other will be with a zone effect.
Now, we know you are super excited about the next racer, the 7th racer will be chosen by you, it will be a versus and the competition will be between the Longisquama and theCarnotaurus! Keep sharing the word to unlock more minis!
Community Goals
We always smile when we see your creations from the Community Goals and we were so happy to see the first Dino Food and, what a surprise to see the first pet dressed as a dino at Gen Con!
Here's an update on the Community goals, we are so close to accomplish one!
Share the pinned post on Facebook and retweet our post on Twitter to accomplish more community goals!
How's Gen Con?
Creature Kingdoms is conquering Indianapolis!
Before ending this update, let me know in the comments if you would prefer an update per stretch goal or what we have done, keeping one update every 2 days is better. I look forward for your comments! Feedback is super helpful!